Many of us go on hunger strike for different reasons. Although most starvation cases are involuntary, some are self-inflicted.
There are people who continue to believe that starvation is the best way to get skinny and others choose to fast for spiritual purposes. Nonetheless, we should take note that prolonged, consistent, and continuous hunger can affect not just your weight, but your whole well-being as well.
The government has not enacted laws just to promote Child and Adult Care Food Program in Texas for nothing. It has listed series of food types and nutrients which every individual shall consume to promote health among the citizenry.
As a result, businesses allowing CACFP Management have emerged to help institutions get track of these requirements under the law and to enforce its faithful compliance.
Among the indirect benefits of this program is to prevent hunger and malnutrition which further affect our bodies in numerous negative ways:
Poor Nutrition. Every year, poor nutrition causes 3.1 million deaths among children alone. When we do not eat enough nutritious foods, the body becomes weak and it could not perform well. Consequently, without a healthy well-being, the body could not ward off diseases and it becomes vulnerable to various infections.
Risk of High Blood Pressure. With an empty stomach, nothing will be digested by our tummies and no nutrients will be transported or supplied by our blood to the different parts of our body. This makes our body vulnerable to grave conditions. For example, when you starve, potassium and Vitamin D are not consumed by the body and this will result in a spike in one’s blood pressure.
Bone Loss. Has it ever come to your mind that prolonged starvation could lead to bone loss? Apparently, malnutrition and persistent hunger could decrease our weight at an alarming duration. Unconsciously, bone density decreases and this causes our bones to become fragile and eventually, shrink.
Deficient performance. Being hungry makes us lose focus and less productive. Since hunger alters how our brains work, we would not be able to exert our efforts at full capacity and we will not be able to finish our assigned work or if we do, it will not be of sufficient quality.
For this reason, more institutions should be encouraged to participate in the Child and Adult Care Food Program in Texas. Fortunately, Advance Childcare, Inc. has made the participation easier. Let’s talk how you can become an eligible center. Contact 903-872-5231 today.