CACFP Sponsor
What is the Difference Between Advance Child Care, Inc. and Other Unaffiliated Sponsors?
Where there is NOT a difference is in what your center will earn. USDA sets the meal rates for all meals and snacks per income level. Sponsors can only charge up to 15% in admin fees and only thought the meal reimbursement porition of your claim. Sponsors are not allowed to provices incentives, kickbacks, or other non-CACFP services/products to their client centers
The main difference is with a sponsor’s management style. For instance:
- Sponsor A may have you fill out your state’s paper forms for maintaining your daily meal count and attendance logs, food production records meal components and calculated quantities to prepare. They may also have you mail in those weekly forms, as well as your CACFP Enrollment and Income Eligibility forms, food receipts, etc.
- Whereas, Advance Child Care, Inc. is fully automated. While you have the option to mark meal counts and your meal production records manually, our most popular method is for the center to enter this information through a PC Tablet Advance Child Care, Inc. provides you. This allows instance data capture and no need to make manual entries or tedious meal quantity calculations. We also provide you with a scanner to electronically submit your CACFP enrollment, Income Eligibility forms, and food receipts to us.
Another difference is in how quick you are paid. If Sponsor A is manually keying in all data and grading claims, it can take upto 30 to 45 days after the claim before Sponsor A can file a claim on your behalf. That means you are receiving a reimbursement approximately 45 to 60 days after that claim month ended.
Advance Child Care, Inc. has a totally automated system for Child Care Centers. The amound of data to key in is minimal and the claim is internally graded by our system in a matter of seconds (instead of 30 to 45 days). Thus, we are able to reimburse our sponsored centers within 15 to 20 days after the claim month ended.
The next differences is in “experience”. Most Child Care Centers in Texas and in other states elect to go under an Unaffilated Sponsor becuase of the myriad of regualtions that must be followed. Unless you do this for a living year round, It’s very difficult to stay on top of current and ever changin CACFP policies.
It’s no different between sponsors. Sponsor A will expend untold number of man hours just in maintaining your CACFP data. Plus, they might only have limited staff, so each staff member has to wear different hats during the ay. Advance Child Care, Inc. is a national agency with staff in place that have expertise in different areas of CACFP policy and procedures. We learned long ago that a successful company is a company that doesn’t overload their staff.
Child and Adult Care Food Program in Texas | Call us at 830-310-0057